Join LUIS!

Supporters Groups

If you are already a Leeds United Supporters Group please read our Charter and Membership Criteria and complete an Application Form if you would like to join us.

If you are setting up a new group and need some help or suggestions please look at our Example Groups. We have included a Sample Constitution which may help you.

It you have any further questions about meeting our criteria or need further information please don’t hesitate to contact us, preferably by email.

Individual Supporters

If you are an individual supporter and not a member of a group please look at our groups and contact them directly if there is one near you.

If you can’t find a group in your area pleas contact us and we will put you in our individual supporters group or find a group for you to join.

Unique Free Membership Group tailored for Individual Supporters

Our Membership Criteria

Any supporters’ group seeking to join LUSN will: 

  • Be self-governing and independent
  • Not be run for financial gain - a membership fee may be charged
  • Have its own statement of purpose in line with that agreed in the charter
  • Have a constitution formally agreed by its members
  • Have a committee, elected by members, consisting of chair, secretary and treasurer (as a minimum), who are, ideally, LUFC members
  • Have a minimum of 20 members, who live in their region and are Leeds United supporters. In certain circumstances it may have members who live outside their region

When the above criteria are met an application may be made for membership of LUSN.

Additionally, a simple application form can be obtained by contacting us or by completing the form below

This will entail sending details of its name, contact details of its committee members and the number of members, identifying how many of those are LUFC season ticket holders/members. We also ask that you send us a brief summary of your group and a logo (if you have one) to put on the website.

Leeds United Supporters are not only found all over the UK, but also in all the corners of the world. Many supporters have a local group which they can join and enjoy the benefits of cheap travel, camaraderie and of course discussing Leeds United. For too long individual supporters or those in small groups have been neglected and have had little if no say in how our club is run or had their views represented to regulatory bodies.
Leeds United Supporters Network have addressed the need for individuals to have their views, opinions and wishes recognised and have launched the unique Leeds United Individual Supporters (LUIS), a free to join group for those fans, who for possibly geographical reasons, cannot join established organisations. 
Members will be able to access the same benefits as any other group, direct communication with our Clubs Executive and Senior management, representation on any fans panel, research on footballing issues, safety and police advice via the Independent Advisory Group, the ability to access LUSN transport infrastructure to allow cost effective travel, and be able to draw from a wealth of experience, information and expertise from long established groups in the wider Network.
This can also provide advice to assist smaller numbers to gain critical mass and provide administrative support to create a viable separate organisation.
LUIS will be a conduit to allow supporters to communicate and travel together and importantly it provides a platform for individual supporters to express their opinions, ideas, and grievances which has long been missing at Leeds United.
As football moves towards closer fan involvement in their clubs it is probable that large well organised and often political groups will control the direction of travel to the detriment of the thousands of individual supporters. LUIS will provide the opportunity for these neglected supporters to participate in decision making on an equal basis with these large organisations.

After Becoming a Member of LUSN

After joining LUSN each independent supporters group will:

  • Pay an annual affiliation fee to help with the functioning of LUSN. Details of use of any funds will be provided
  • Receive annual confirmation of membership of LUSN
  • Have a clear line of communication through the LUSN secretary
  • Have access to, and contribute to, information to help facilitate their club to watch and/or attend matches and LUFC related functions.
  • Be willing to contribute to, and support the administration of LUSN
  • Be willing to contribute to, and receive the support of other clubs with advice, practical help or membership recommendation where appropriate
  • Be willing to support smaller groups by ‘adopting’ them as part of their own group and/or by helping them develop to meet LUSN criteria
  • Be willing to contribute to the promotion and development of all LUSN Clubs through various media platforms and communication channels
  • Support LUSN fundraising and by attendance at events if appropriate.
  • Participate, where possible, in regular meetings for representatives of LUSN groups
  • Support LUSN to continue with, and develop, positive relationships with LUFC
  • Receive information from and be able to contribute to LUSN representation at SAB and other LUFC communication channels
  • Inform LUSN secretary if their club wishes to leave the network, ceases to meet the Network criteria or is terminated for any reason

After Becoming a Member of LUIS

After joining LUIS each independent supporter will:

  • Receive annual confirmation of membership of LUIS
  • Have a clear line of communication through the LUIS secretary
  • Have access to, and contribute to, information to help facilitate their club to watch and/or attend matches and LUFC related functions.
  • Be willing to contribute to, and support the administration of LUIS
  • Be willing to contribute to, and receive the support of other clubs with advice, practical help or membership recommendation where appropriate
  • Be willing to support other LUIS members by ‘adopting’ them as part of the group and/or by helping them, where necessary
  • Be willing to contribute to the promotion and development of all LUIS through various media platforms and communication channels
  • Support any LUIS fundraising and by attendance at events, if appropriate
  • Participate, if necessary and where possible, in regular meetings for representatives of LUIS
  • Support LUIS to continue with, and develop, positive relationships with LUFC
  • Receive information from and be able to contribute to LUIS/LUSN representation at SAB and other LUFC communication channels
  • Inform LUIS secretary/admin if they wishes to leave the network for any reason

Complete the form below to join your group to the

Leeds United Individual Supporters (LUIS)

LUIS Application Form



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